24 06, 2016

Heart-Mind Cosmos: Panentheism in Mahayana Buddhism And Early 19th Century German Idealism

By |2019-03-28T19:08:08+00:00June 24th, 2016|Theory|3 Comments

In the 17th century, Issac Newton wrote laws of nature in the language of mathematics. These laws were so convincing that Newtonian science became the ruling paradigm in European thought. But in a universe of mechanistic determinism, is there room for psyche, soul, ethics, and free will? To solve this problem, German idealism traced a philosophic path trod earlier in 4th century India.

4 05, 2016

Silence as Speech: Reading Sor Juana’s Primero Sueño in the Light of her Final Silence

By |2020-04-17T15:03:09+00:00May 4th, 2016|Arts & Letters, Featured, Theory|8 Comments

Sor Juana’s silence is difficult to “read,” but it is easy to hear. What can it show us about the way the absence of speech can itself be a mode of participation in public discourse?

15 03, 2016

Sanders at Dearborn: A Socialist Love-Story

By |2019-03-30T06:13:58+00:00March 15th, 2016|Practice, Theory|6 Comments

The idea that Bernie Sanders' support among Arabs and Muslims suggests there is little anti-Semitism in America is as absurd as the idea that there is no more racism in America, since it has elected a black president. Sanders is a democratic socialist, and socialism is one of the few Western political ideologies to have taken root in a big way in the Arab and Muslim world. This is a better explanation

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