Social Contract Theory
When you make an agreement of some significance (e.g., to rent an apartment, or join a gym, or divorce), you typically agree to certain terms: you sign a contract. This is for your benefit, and for the the other party’s benefit: everyone’s expectations are clear, as are the consequences of failing to meet those expectations.
Violence in the Gay Community: Ending the Silence
By: Connie Woodring Focusing on homophobia and its violent consequences against gays by heterosexuals has been important for several decades,
Plato’s Crito: When should we break the law?
Plato’s Crito describes a conversation that takes place in 399 B.C.E. in an Athens prison, where Socrates awaits execution.Not long before, an assembly of more than 500 Athenian citizens convicted Socrates of corrupting the youth and impiety, essentially failing to respect the gods of the city.
Democratic Socialism: An Impossible Dream? II
The first part of this article asserted that, contrary to the prevailing mythology on both sides of the Cold War, socialist revolutions never succeeded in creating genuine democratic socialism. Then, several insufficient explanations for why socialist revolutions failed to produce socialism were critiqued.
Scapegoat: How a Television Show Perpetuates Blame in the Dannemora Prison Break
By: Monica Duncan Showtime is now airing a new series about the 2015 escape from the Dannemora Prison in New
Democratic Socialism: An Impossible Dream?
An Article in Two Parts, by Craig Collins Part One: Socialist Mythology vs. Statist Reality The founders of “scientific socialism,”
Reverse Discrimination and Employment
By: Hendrik van der Breggen Let’s think discriminately about discrimination (yes, you read that right). I’ll distinguish two senses of
Lady Gaga and Moral Reasoning
Lady Gaga rightly encourages us to respect and accept all people, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. But at this juncture Lady Gaga's thinking become problematic. Respecting and accepting all people doesn’t automatically also mean that we should accept and affirm all the behaviours of all people.
As a Child of Deaf Adults: Problems with Identity Politics from a Progressive Perspective
Today’s dominant progressive tastemakers seem to feel that identity politics should either be bought wholesale, or you’re not a progressive.
Responding to Morally Flawed Historical Philosophers and Philosophies
Victor Fabian Abundez-Guerra and Nathan Nobis from 1000-Word Philosophy examine the difficult issue of how to deal with the objectionable