Globalization: A Prose Poem
By: Dan Corjescu Globalization is conquest and surveillance. The exuberance, greed, curiosity, cruelty, racism, ignorance, and sundry lusts for power,
Conspiracy Theories
What are conspiracy theories? Should we ever accept one? If so, when?
The Unpardonable President
By: Dennis Rohatyn Can a President pardon himself? No way. Then why is there even an issue? What’s all the
Can We Exit This Road to Ruin?
Catabolic capitalism isn't your grandparents' capitalism. Back then, industrial capitalism profited primarily from growth, fueled by abundant fossil energy. But the centuries of cheap energy and an ever-expanding economic pie are over; and so are the rising living standards they generated. Even the recent decades of stagnation, debt-driven bubbles, and government bailouts are reaching their limit. Capitalism's future is becoming catabolic.
The Dangers of Individualism: Covid-19 and the Case for Collectivism
By: Holly Barrow Across the West, individualism has long been considered a pillar of democracy and liberty. Individualism - which
Is Abortion “Health Care”?
By: Hendrik van der Breggen Next week the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the so-called Equality Act. Ostensibly
Plato’s Crito: When should we break the law?
Plato’s Crito describes a conversation that takes place in 399 B.C.E. in an Athens prison, where Socrates awaits execution.Not long before, an assembly of more than 500 Athenian citizens convicted Socrates of corrupting the youth and impiety, essentially failing to respect the gods of the city.
Democratic Socialism: An Impossible Dream? II
The first part of this article asserted that, contrary to the prevailing mythology on both sides of the Cold War, socialist revolutions never succeeded in creating genuine democratic socialism. Then, several insufficient explanations for why socialist revolutions failed to produce socialism were critiqued.
Scapegoat: How a Television Show Perpetuates Blame in the Dannemora Prison Break
By: Monica Duncan Showtime is now airing a new series about the 2015 escape from the Dannemora Prison in New
Dear Nations Trying to Undermine our Democracy
To the Nations Trying to Undermine our Democracy, Your continued attempts at destroying our republic are growing tiresome. It’s our Constitution. Let us ruin it.
Trump Forecasts Hurricane Dorian to Return and Decimate All 50 States
Washington, D.C. - After swiping at the Eastern seaboard of the United States and then heading out to the Canadian Maritimes last week, Hurricane Dorian will be coming back with a vengeance, according to Meteorologist-in-Chief, Donald Trump.
Woodstock Turns 50: Behind the Curtain with John Morris, Head of Production
When you have a master or a leader, there’s always another master somewhere fighting them off or trying to contest them. The masters of other people can look pretty annoying to you, if not contemptible, irrelevant, reprehensible. I think about Beatlemania, where people were just horrified — What the hell is going on? These four guys with weird floppy haircuts. Or with Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, or any of the other rock stars. The disgust and terror that people have that others are caught up.