A People’s Buddhism?
America can learn much from B.R. Ambedkar’s liberation theology. But it first must get beyond bourgeois dismissals of the Dalit leader’s revolutionary dharma.
Rethinking the Goals of Finance, Cont’d
Some Letters to the Editor The article Rethinking the Goals of Finance: Lessons from the Amherst Arbitrage proved controversial. Below
The Pledge of Allegiance: A Reading
What does it mean to say the Pledge of Allegiance? In this time of national tension, when the President of the United States has pronounced his inauguration day a “National Day of Patriotic Devotion,” and declared that “from this day forward it’s going to be only America first,” it might be helpful to remind ourselves just what we devote ourselves to whenever we say the Pledge.
On Forcing Your Religion via Canada’s Transgender Rights Bill
By using the force of law to require others to use preferred pronouns when they disagree with those pronouns, you are in effect pushing your religion onto those others.
Right to Silence in the Age of Aadhaar
Unless the right to silence comes of age and accommodates the technological challenges posed by biometric ID systems, the lacuna in the law which distinguishes between password and fingerprint locks can be exploited to render the fundamental right to silence -- which is often the last bastion of civil society -- an abortive ideal.
Trump’s Banality of Evil
By: Jared Marcel Pollen What does fascism smell like? It’s a question the late Christopher Hitchens used to ask, and