Plato’s Crito: When should we break the law?
Plato’s Crito describes a conversation that takes place in 399 B.C.E. in an Athens prison, where Socrates awaits execution.Not long before, an assembly of more than 500 Athenian citizens convicted Socrates of corrupting the youth and impiety, essentially failing to respect the gods of the city.
Democratic Socialism: An Impossible Dream? II
The first part of this article asserted that, contrary to the prevailing mythology on both sides of the Cold War, socialist revolutions never succeeded in creating genuine democratic socialism. Then, several insufficient explanations for why socialist revolutions failed to produce socialism were critiqued.
Dr. Bower Among the Giants
Journey2Psychology, a project by: Dr. Michael Gordon Mike Gordon is travelling across the world to converse with influential psychologists and
Endangered Species Act: Noah’s Ark or Titanic?
The overriding weakness in the ESA is that no legal barrier can possibly halt the relentless juggernaut of economic growth at the heart of our extinction crisis.
Ecosocialism vs. the Green New Deal
One could ask, from the perspective of the left, does the Green New Deal go far enough? Does it address the fundamental assumptions of the US economy that led to climate catastrophe?
Why Did Socialism Fail? industrial capitalism, alienation pervaded every aspect of life under industrial “socialism.”
Varys – A Machiavellian Beast
"The storms come and go, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on paddling." Politically astute and self-aware, Varys embodies Machiavelli's view that a wise prince cannot keep faith, but rather must of necessity be part man, part beast.
The Argument and the Action
We have divided our study of the political theory of G.R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire into a
Discussion is Coming!
Over the next few months, we are going to examine the political insights of A Song of Ice and Fire